Weekly Horoscope – December 4, 2011 – from Astro Barry

Horoscopes Weekly – December 4, 2011 – from Astro Barry

from www.astrobarry.com

thank you for joining us on The Sunny Side – please enjoy our horoscopes, interviews, and hypnosis meditations – for a closer look at your individual season for love and money.. plz send me an email to sonny@thesunnyside.net – wishing everyone a beautiful day – sonny

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Every day you wake up this week, remind yourself what the number-one meaningful purpose of this period of your life is… and then promise yourself you’ll spend at least one hour of your day completing simple tasks that support that purpose. It, of course, isn’t a bad idea to follow this advice beyond just the course of this week, Aries. But considering the potential for you to easily get sidetracked or altogether turned around due to a mishmash of others’ influences during this eclipsey, retrogradey week ahead, at least this exercise will reserve both (1) this restatement of intention and (2) an hour’s-worth of your time for this topic of greatest importance. By the way, Venus and Mars are also in a very advantageous aspect to one another, in the two houses of your solar chart that relate to work and career (the 10th and the 6th). I’ll leave it to you to decide what you’d like to do with this influence, though it would be a shame to let socially frivolous preoccupations distract you from channeling its productive energy toward your desired ends. Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Aries? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Though ‘practical’ (and the inevitable compromises that come with it) may be your default, thoroughly unabashed comprehensiveness (and the inevitable lack-of-simplicity that comes with it) is instead the tactic presently favored. And not that you can do much to help it either, Taurus… not with the fire-breathed truth you may’ve held for too long (because it was the ‘practical’ thing to do?) roaring out your lips, which you’ve got to admit feels pretty friggin’ good the more freely you let it loose. Despite having warned you only last week about not spazzing yourself out (and I understand some of you Taureans enjoyed my use of ‘spazzing’ immensely), I must now tell you that, to continue repressing the content behind said spazz would probably prove to be too uncomfortable for you to bear—not to mention too disingenuous—though the tone needn’t burn. Now, with this comprehensive reality in the prime forefront of your mind, you probably ought to voice it. Just don’t be unnecessarily harsh. Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Taurus? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.


GEMINI (May 21-June 20): With the full moon lunar eclipse in your sign this week, Gemini, your feelings on a pivotal matter (probably with regards to a particular person who you’ve been bending to accommodate) are reaching their breaking-point. And for your own emotional well-being, swallowing your words may no longer be a strategy you can endure. So if and when you take the leap to spell out exactly how you’re feeling on this issue, please do at least make sure you’re being exact. You’ll only have one chance to disrupt the surface tension and get out what needs to be said—since once it’s done, they’ll no longer be as unsuspecting and therefore won’t likely hear you out with quite as shell-shocked a set of open ears—so don’t throw in every last discontented sentiment you’re holding, when some of them are truly irrelevant to this main point at hand. Be blunt, but focused. (P.S. Don’t expect a magical result to manifest shortly thereafter. Your rewards for this deed have a later-onset appearance, though will be no less magical.) Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Gemini? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.


CANCER (June 21-July 22): Stop daydreaming, and start doing. Not knowing quite how is no valid excuse for procrastination either, Cancer. I really want you to revisit last week’s horoscope, in which I detail the favorable potential for you in using your interpersonal relationships for practical assistance in getting what you need. This is definitely still in effect, particularly as Venus and Mars move into a beneficial trine across two houses (the 7th and 3rd) that grant you an extra boost in your people-skills, provided you actually communicate your needs in a clear fashion. Nobody’s likely to read your mind, if you don’t invite them in. If you aren’t sure what to do next, please discuss this quandary with those around you… even if you may (falsely?) believe they don’t have a thing to offer in this arena, and even if you worry that talking so much about your own trivial worries (or are they?) will just grate on other people’s nerves. The Venus-Mars impact makes it highly unlikely you’ll annoy anyone—unless, that is, they get frustrated with your self-effacing indirectness. Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Cancer? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.


LEO (July 23-August 22): While it’s always nice to reflect on the various ways in which your intended actions will mesh—or not mesh, as the case may be—with what everyone else might prefer from you, your ultimate decision shouldn’t hinge on keeping other people happy. Though you may feel the momentary emotional pinch of displeasing the others involved, Leo, I believe that, in the end, it’s you who must be pleased by your chosen path forward. Or would you rather get caught bobbing from side to side, in some stalemate of lateral limbo? Bottom line: Should you ‘goof’ by revealing your supposed diplomacy is really a cover for a less-ambiguous-than-perceived stance on what you know is best for you, it’ll probably prove to be the right thing to do. If certain folks are upset, however, you ought to take the ‘putting the pieces back together’ work seriously; holding things together with them, after all, serves your own bottom line. Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Leo? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.


VIRGO (August 23-September 22): Yes, public image matters… to a certain degree, that is. But yes, Virgo, you may also free yourself from expecting to feel as authentically aligned with whatever behaviors the maintenance of that public image necessitates. There’s really nothing hideously offensive about making a few outward-appearance sacrifices, as long as (1) they assist you in reaching an achievement-related goal that’s important to you and (2) you are wholly aware of what you’re doing. Isn’t that part-and-parcel of putting on a professional game-face? It’s not as if all those businesspeople, for instance, absolutely adore wearing those dreary grey suits and style-less shoes that constitute their ‘uniform’ for embodying their form of success. No need to be such a fastidious idealist about such matters. Sure, in a perfect world, no such sacrifices would ever have to be made. But haven’t you yet accepted that we’ll never live in that realm of perfection? Uncompromising authenticity is what your private life is for. Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Virgo? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.


LIBRA (September 23-October 22): Though, over these many months, I’ve been accompanying you on a journey of greater direct self-assertion, Libra, to counteract any tendencies to defer your decisiveness to others’ will, I think we’ve hit a passing moment in which it’s better not to make any bold forward motions. In fact, in the very short term, I advise allowing certain wild-card individuals to take whatever actions they’re going to take… and giving yourself the chance to observe, process, and respond accordingly, on your own time. In other words, you may find you’re caught up in emotional reactions to circumstances that appear to be dynamically changing, though not necessarily of your own doing—and it’s probably better to see where the roulette ball lands first, with only a modest wager out on the table, rather than hurrying to lump your entire ante on red or black or double-zero and risking such an amount that you’d really be shit-out-of-luck if this wheel-of-fortune doesn’t stop somewhere in your favor. Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Libra? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.


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SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): Would it really hurt to make nicey-nice, even if you don’t adore the person? I know, I know: ‘Nicey-nice’ is hardly what comes naturally to a Scorpio. But you are capable of playing to the audience… at least insofar as you’re motivated by some deeper purpose for containing your intensity. In this case, it’s about considering the need to form reliable alliances with folks who wouldn’t necessarily be your friends if your existences didn’t overlap in this very particular context. So though your true feelings toward them as an entire individual might spur a glint of scorn in your eyes, your need to keep this person around as a key contact in a particular context, for self-securing reasons, ought to be reason enough to cleanse your glances of such contaminants. Think about the big picture, Scorpio, before unconsciously oozing any traces of superiority. Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Scorpio? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21): Precisely because your bigger life-goals are looming with ever more importance and (dare I say it) closer within reach than they’ve been in a while, Sagittarius, this is hardly the time for too much people-pleasing (except for, perhaps, those ‘authority figures’). You need to have as full control over how you’re organizing your days as possible, in order to continue making the daily amounts of progress toward these things that really matter. You’ve got to strike while the iron’s hot, and if certain people would rather you put your ambitions on hold so you can sit nicely at the table next to them and exchange pleasantries about what the neighbor kid’s doing for Christmas, while you know your time would be better spent on one more advancing step toward embodying who you want to be in the world…. well, need I spell out exactly what you’ve got to do? While there are more and less polite ways to cut to the chase and get yourself back to the cultivation of your own interests, it seems the preferred end-result ought to be the same. Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Sagittarius? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.


CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): I’m well aware that the bold-sounding ‘spirituality’ is a weak excuse often deployed to absolve us from taking responsibility for asserting our will on the direction events will take. ‘Let go and let God’ is a strategy that’s been known to keep people in dissatisfying circumstances for way longer than genuinely serves them. Yet, at certain moments such as this one, releasing the reins and seeing what happens does work—especially when there doesn’t appear, to our immediately unenlightened eyes, to be a particular benefit in turning left or right at the oncoming fork-in-the-road. I advise approaching this junction open-endedly, as ready to go one direction as the next… and, once you arrive, just seeing where your feet start taking you. I believe they will intuitively head one way or the other, provided your mind doesn’t launch you into the futile questioning why. With Venus presently shining down on you, instinct won’t lead you astray. Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Capricorn? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.


AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): Concentrate on what the collective—your team, your group of pals, society at large—is gaining from your latest efforts, rather than letting your mind get caught on whether the ego-you is receiving its fair share of pleasurable acknowledgment or accolades. All comes in good time, Aquarius… and for the moment, with Venus hiding behind the gauzy cloak of your solar 12th, what’s presently coming to you on the personal level is more of an indecipherable psychic boost than a big pile of recognizable earthy good. Yet, at the same time, your shit-stirring is a useful tool for assisting many of the other folks in your tribe collect their due… so long as any selfish impatience on your part doesn’t get in the way of you ‘doing the good work’, as they say. Please, therefore, release any slightly-present resentments, and follow those (for lack of a better term) karmic laws such as ‘what goes around comes around’. All this scratching of their backs you’re doing will definitely come back to your back before too long. Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Aquarius? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.


PISCES (February 19-March 20): The only reason you wouldn’t push ahead, Pisces, is if you were somehow convincing yourself to think twice… due to the unhelpful influence of the devilish voice in your head who’d rather leave you pondering possible problematic fallout in advance of actually doing anything than trust you’ll confidently face whatever happens when, or if, it indeed happens. And it’s actually the same reason you’d listen to that naysayer individual in your life who has nothing but doubt-conjuring questions or supposedly rational exceptions to offer, which wouldn’t make much of a difference to you if that little internal devil-voice didn’t plug right into the same vein. However, all these critics, outer and inner, can easily be neutralized by the simple unadulterated admission that (1) this is what you want to do and therefore (2) you are going to move ahead with it anyway. All the other details become irrelevant once the hypothetical quality of ‘maybe I’m considering this’ firms up into a full-on commitment. That firming-up responsibility rests firmly on you. From there, every contrarian notion blends together into one useless background of white-noise. Curious about what 2012 holds in store for Pisces? Check out my first downloadable e-book, ASTROBARRY’S 2012, with forecast articles and full year-ahead horoscopes for all the signs.

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