Daily Lovescopes

Love Horoscope – December 12, 2011

from – http://dailylovescopes.com

Aries: The planetary alignment gives you plenty of possibility for change and transformation within your relationships. You may feel inclined to speak to others about your innermost feelings, your past, and other personal subjects, which builds closeness and trust in your relationships. You tend to have a somewhat experimental approach to your dealings with others, and may not be able to resist poking around to see what you can discover today. If you do intend to hold one of “those” conversations, then don’t be too hardhearted. Others will respect you more. You may hear from someone from the past or reach out to someone you have a long history with or who was once very important in your life.

Taurus: The alignment of the planets encourages profound and transforming conversations. If you have been hiding anything, or have been too embarrassed to admit to certain difficulties or faults, take advantage of this opportunity to sit down and have that talk. You are also a sympathetic listener at this time with the ability to draw out others’ feelings and personal experiences. It may bring up a whole range of emotions, but ultimately will be very freeing. You will find that this process strengthens the bond between you. Right now you may also feel hospitable, loving, and feel the need to share comfort and affection with close friends and family. This is an excellent time to have company or to give a party at your home.

Gemini: Love tends to come in its own way. Sometimes passionately out of the blue, and at other times quietly and sweetly. As your thoughts turn to love and this is a favorable time to bring out any concerns you have in your personal relationships. The alignment of the planets suggests that you cannot force a particular type of relationship into being unless the other person really feels ready for it. You can keep phoning or writing, but unless they want to respond of their own free will, there is not a lot you can do. Try to adopt a zen attitude, and hang in there! Agreements and cooperation can be achieved easily during this time. You need to develop some patience and in a short amount of time you will have what you desire.

Cancer: This is an excellent time for personal relationships and friendships. You are able to share feelings, interests, and concerns openly and honestly with others. The planetary alignment may be making you determined to make your feelings known to a certain person you have been attracted to for some time. The only problem is that you could be too overbearing and almost dominating in your rush to get some kind of commitment out of them. You will actually put them off if you come on too strong, so take it easy. You can see connections and possibilities you may have overlooked before. Now is a time for communicating and sharing your plans and dreams.

Leo: This is a busy time with lots of communicating and getting in touch with others being the likely scenario for the day. You may be feeling the need for change within your more intimate relationships. If so then you will get all the help you want and need from today’s planetary alignment. This is largely a positive time when you can talk about any issues that are confusing or disheartening you. But there may be a temptation to speak out and refuse to listen to the response. Remember, it has to be a two-way process. If your relationship survives this conversation it would be a good time to think about your future together. Brainstorm with your partner and share ideas for future goals.

Virgo: A feeling of being at peace and stable on the emotional level is your focus at this time. Stability and permanence satisfy a deep emotional need for you. You want to be wanted more than needed by someone you can have a long term relationship with. The planetary alignment encourages you and those close to you to feel passionate about almost everything. This ranges from the state of the country to the state of your relationship. Depending on which way you approach this, you could have a revolting or a revolutionary day ahead. If you can resist the temptation to be too forceful, and be more considerate, you will certainly come out on top.

Libra: You love drama, and there will likely be plenty of this today. Relationships will tend to be fiery and dramatic in more ways than one. Just be sure you know how to handle the little bit of chaos surrounding you right now. The planetary alignment encourages you to express how you feel, and if you have been suppressing particular emotions, you may find that you can no longer hold them back another moment. You can draw a lot of strength and satisfaction from your family and roots now, but if all is not well in this area, you will clearly see any difficulties or short comings at this time. It may be time to mend some fences or get in contact with those you were once close to. Try not to add any more drama to your plate though.


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Scorpio: The planetary alignment may make your sweetheart extra feisty and very passionate. This may be a bit of a strain, though, especially as you just not feeling the same at the moment. With that said, intimacy may be a bit difficult to maintain at the moment due to outside influences beyond your control. Your time is likely to be taken up solving problems that have little or nothing to do with your personal relationships, but are so pressing that they siphon off much of your emotional energy. The key to getting through this period as quickly as possible is to address these external challenges directly until they are resolved.

Sagittarius: Sharing time with those close to you is likely to be very attractive to you at this time. You enjoy most aspects of relationships, but can find it a little difficult to be comfortable with real passion. The alignment of the planets will certainly bring out the passion in those close to you, so you had better get prepared to handle a whole range of emotions, especially as they are likely to be wild and fiery, and not at all “nicely” expressed. Quality time spent with your family will reenergize you and reaffirm much of your sense of purpose. Renewing your sense of belonging to something good is sure to put smile on your face and a little snap in your walk. Try and let go for once!

Capricorn: There is an exceptionally striking person in your midst and you are absolutely determined to attract this person you have set your sights on. If you could be open and genuine in a truly authentic way, things will go your way with very little effort. However you do this, remember that trying to maneuver the situation to work in your favor will only create more difficulties in the future and cause your friend to mistrust you. Giving is a wonderful quality, but receiving is important too. This is a time when having your needs take the forefront is in order. Don’t allow yourself to be just the provider of comfort and affection today. Let others dote on you, and show you the affection you truly deserve.

Aquarius: A time of emotional growth is what’s it’s about today, when you just naturally attach yourself to larger issues, bigger feelings, and a more open heart. You could potentially conquer one person after another today, if you had the mind to. The planetary alignment makes you feel invincible in the romance department. You have complete and utter faith in yourself, and are not about to allow any obstacles to get in your way. But you would feel much better if you thought about the other person and their feelings. Dare to show you really care. Travel both literally and mentally broadens the mind, so be ready to pick up and go places, even if only in your imagination.

Pisces:  The energy of this time is light, friendly and easy, it all just flows today. If you are in a relationship, the current planetary alignment could help you blast through any obstacles and difficulties that are causing problems with your relationships. If there has been a particularly knotty issue that has concerned you lately, you will have the extra determination to find a solution that works for both of you. By being honest and open, you can create a real miracle. Give each other a chance. Positive connections are made with others, and you may meet a new friend that could turn into more if you let it. You may also want to call or email someone you love, simply to cheer them up or tell them you love them.

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