Weekly Sonnyscopes!

(Sonny playing sax in Vancouver with Etherial Quartet)

Astro-week February 26 – March 3

Dear Aries

What gives? You’ve become weird. I like it but people are beginning to think you’re a little strange. As the Sun transits your asto-clearing 12th house get your affairs in order. Take this time to define exactly who you are and where you’d like to be. You can’t float forever. The planets are going to shine a big light on you next month so whoever you have become, make sure it’s who you want to be because that’s who they will remember.

Dear Taurus

Something that you thought was lost comes back this week. It could be a friendship, true love, or even a simple $20 that you thought was gone for good. Keep your eyes open for this mysterious karmic windfall. Additionally, people who you thought were always against you suddenly seem to open up and help you through a difficult patch. Good luck.

Dear Gemini

This might not be the greatest love time for one of our friskier signs but if you get out and connect, the planets are helping your long term dreams and goals come true. Try not to confuse work love, home love, friend love, and love love. There are many people who want to lend you a hand right now. Don’t confuse what they are offering.

Dear Cancer

This week the Moon has you feeling like getting out and showing yourself off. You won’t necessarily desire to be the centre of attention but you will want to leave the house and show everyone what you can do. It will be a natural progression that begins at the office on Monday and carries throughout the week. If it feels good, do it.

Dear Leo

Something at home is driving you nuts! Stop fretting and get out for some fresh air. Good things are waiting for you if you can team up with someone and interact publicly. The key this week is to do things away from all of the stress at home. Try something exotic, dreamy, and educational.

Dear Virgo

Stop fighting with everyone! Love is the air for Virgos’only if you keep your critical tongue in cheque. There is a big light shining on your relationships right now but it’s at odds with your personal ego drive. There’s a chance that you may appear overconfident and this is driving people away. Time and a place. Choose wisely and love will naturally find you this week.

Dear Libra

Someone from your past is being very critical of you right now in ways that you didn’t fully expect. This is blurring the boundaries between friend and foe. If all you really want to do is reach out to your closest friend and escape on a romantic adventure this would be a good time to get away from the nonsense that’s disrupting the harmony. You’ve worked too hard to create peace. You deserve better.

Dear Scorpio

It’s happened. You finally made your move and they like you. Turns out your desire would never have fit into your old life and your new life is only just beginning. This creates uncertainty. The truth is, they already belong in your new world, it’s you who is struggling with fitting in.

Dear Sagittarius

Get to the gym! Make it a new home for the next couple of months and get your body back in shape for the summer. With Jupiter in Taurus you should be putting extra attention into how you can improve your physical health with a daily routine. The key here is – slow and steady – everyday. You have an opportunity to become healthier than you’ve been in a long while.

Dear Capricorn

This week work responsibilities square off with a comfortable home life. As much as Venus is encouraging you to stay home with close family and friends, it’s a competitively charged sense of love. Putting yourself first will surprisingly help everyone else get their own stuff together. It’s this dynamic that finally creates the harmony and forward motion you’ve been hoping for.

Dear Aquarius

It’s not that you can’t handle the competitive spirit currently hovering in the air, or even excel in this energy if given half a chance, but your mind is currently focused on peace, love, dreams, and money. All of this is happening while Saturn is making you look long and hard at a wild and sexy exotic that has just crossed your path. Things are beginning to look up. Watch your tongue or you will lose the prize.

Dearest Pisces

How about a little money for your birthday? With Uranus, the planet of surprises in your astro-money sector, expect the unexpected in finances. With Venus also lending a hand your pockets could quickly fill up. It’s a good thing too because your closest love interest only wants to argue.

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