Overcome Approach Anxiety with Hypnosis !

Overcome Approach Anxiety – With Hypnosis !

(I’m running out of photos ! stop nagging – This is from a Romantic Magic Hypnosis Class to Mend a Broken Heart)


I know.. it all sounds a bit creepy but many of us have difficulty introducing themselves and conversing with others for the first time. It doesn’t have to be a big deal but sometimes.. it is. It can happen at work or at the club.. maybe a coffee shop or the beach. Approach Anxiety can happen anywhere!

Some people get overwhelming butterflies, others are frozen with a paralyzing fear, and others still.. might actually turn away and leave the room ! But it doesn’t have to be like this anymore.

It just takes a bit of self-confidence.. and that’s where Hypnosis fits in. It’s not only about removing stumbling blocks – it’s about the strength to get up and try again.. like the Actor constantly auditioning, or the Athlete competing. You just need enough inner-strength – To Try.. & the rest will take care of itself.

Please join Master Hypnotist Collin Sonny Rosati for an afternoon of Hypnosis designed to Overcome Approach Anxiety.

Hypnosis for Overcoming Approach Anxiety $45

Have you tried all of the tricks and you still can’t get the words out right? It might sound a little strange at first.. But Hypnosis Meditations are great for quieting the nerves – & when you quiet your nerves – you can really let yourself shine.

Next Class – Sunday September 1,  Vancouver, BC 1-5pm !

www.thesunnysidemusic.com         778-828-0088

Register Now !

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About sonny

Musician, Hypnotist, & Professional Cool Guy He is affectionately known as The Love Hypnotist for his work Mending Broken Hearts & helping people Find True Love. www.thesunnyside.net www.thesunnysidemusic.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwnRTQpNNhFE4MS359n4u_w

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