Daily Lovescope


Love Horoscopes – September 20, 2013


from – http://dailylovescopes.com

Aries: Today your mind is reeling with ideas concerning both you and your partner. This comes under the influence of today’s energy where conversations that involve sharing with those you are closest to, are very beneficial now. It opens your mind to help you understand what others are telling you and helps you articulate your needs as well. You may feel it is time you and your love invest into your relationship. Maybe moving in together or buying your first home, you want something solid and tangible between you two. This is a really great idea but it involves so much more than looking at real estate listings. With a little organizing and a lot of open and honest communication about your relationship, you two can make it happen. Go for it.

Taurus: If you have yet to, this is a great time to reflect upon your current situation. There have been some ups and downs in your relationship and you should really try to understand how you feel about this and yourself. Right now you can gain a good amount of clarity where your emotions or the feelings of those around you are concerned. The more you learn about yourself at this time, the better relationship you can have, especially now.  Whatever has happened between you two in the past, you now feel that you have developed a very close and secure bond that very little can shatter. This has brought you a sense of strength and solidarity in your relationship that you never thought you would have. Now that it is here ask yourself, do you still want it?

Gemini: Love, relationships, and pleasure will be enhanced for you by the energy of the day. For many of you, a new romance or friendship may come about today when you are completely distracted. Some of you may have an old or current one relationship take a turn for the better, something you have longed hope for. Regardless, the warmth you radiate is noticed by many and appreciated today. If you happen to come across the person you have your heart set on, they may not be as friendly or as talkative as you are today. Don’t let that deter you as the conversation you two do have will win you quite a bit of ground romantically. You will be one step closer to that date so long as you stay calm and considerate.

Cancer: This next month will be a rather positive time for your love life. The Venus and Mars cycles follow each other so your love life has every chance to be passionate and fulfilling. The nostalgia you felt last week or so will manifest today as you made a date with someone from your past. You have not have seen the person for quite some time and your mind is running with a million what if’s. Whether you hope something will come out of this (which is entirely possible), don’t let any fears or worries spoil what will turn out to be a great occasion regardless. If this person is unattached, be prepared for the sparks to fly as the energy is working in your favor. If he or she is attached, you will leave them with a strong impression of what might have been.

Leo: Fear has no place in your heart or mind today so do not invite it. Stop second guessing everything and understand that in order for you to get what you want, you have stop holding yourself back.  You want a date with someone who makes your heart beat faster? Turn on that fantastic charm and ask them. You would be surprised at how far that winning smile gets you. For those of you attached, now is the time to pull out all the romantic stops! A candle light dinner and a bottle of good wine is the ideal way to set the stage for some serious romance. Flirting and visual teasing should really get things moving in the right direction. Keep everyday problems out of the conversation and you two will have a night to remember!

Virgo: A man in uniform, a woman in authority… someone above you in some capacity, has your heart beating double time. You admire strength and fortitude and this person has it in spades. You might be trying to psych yourself up to make a move but you will probably be worried that they could never see you the same way you see them. Make a subtle move, feel the water and if they do return your feelings, this will be the start of something very promising. If you are attached your relationships will run smoothly today. If you two have a solid emotional base then now is the time you will see the benefits of that harmony. If you do not or it is on shaky ground, now is the time to show your partner how much you really appreciate them for the little things.

Libra: You may have to deal something today that you have been hoping to hold off a little longer on.  But you realized, right now, that to get what you really want and achieve what is important to you, you may need to either streamline or eliminate something from your life.  While this may be an attitude or a situation you have been forced into, it is likely a relationship that has either been holding you back or isn’t moving forward itself. It is time to kick this relationship in the proverbial ass and get it moving. Start by speaking to the person in question and tell them what you will and will not tolerate. If they are on board then finally you will be moving forward but they are not or are filled with excuses, it is time to walk away and move on alone.

Scorpio: Love and pleasure seem to be focus of the energy surrounding you today. This leaves you feeling rather attractive and very friendly, frisky and flirty even!  All of the warmth you emanate is felt and truly appreciated by those around you.  Do not be surprised of people want to hang out with you all day. If you are attached, this energy has you thinking about your intimate affairs. You think you are ready to take things to the next level and want to make a more serious commitment. Your partner on the other hand, may feel that things are fine the way they are. You may be inclined to force the issue but think carefully before you do. Consider their feelings. While you will probably still feel the same, give them time to get used to this.

Sagittarius: For many of you this is a time of transition in your love life and you can feel the change coming. Because of this, your thoughts become heavy and turn pessimistic at this time. Now this may cause you to withdraw completely or distance yourself from those you care about but you have to stop getting caught up in your mind. For those of you in what was a platonic relationship, you cannot deny that things have evolved. It is time to do something about it but in order for it to be successful; you have to overcome any fears or reservations. Take them somewhere special, somewhere that holds meaning for you both and show them just how serious you are. Think positive! You won’t know the outcome if you don’t try.

Capricorn: You may feel frustrated as to where you are headed in life just now. But someone from your past makes a reappearance and helps put things into perspective for you but they also have ulterior motives. They remember you from the days when you did not have a burden of responsibility hanging over you, you were carefree and having the answers didn’t matter. Where has that person gone? By finding this person, you will find your true north. While they are helping your see the light they will also plant subtle messages of getting back together. They are willing to make amends for past mistakes and prove to you how much they have changed. It may be worth a try – there is nothing to lose, and you may even feel a lot happier.

Aquarius: The atmosphere between you and your partner may be heavy and serious. Is there anything lingering from yesterday that still needs to be addressed? Or has something completely unrelated to yesterdays Lovescope that you need to talk about? Whatever this is that you have said nothing about, this is still the time to do so. It will make you feel a whole lot better, and will make your partner feel better, too. If you are unattached, your personal charm will have a positive effect on everyone you encounter. People will see you as a lovable person and also as someone loving who cares about others needs and feelings. This will benefit you in many ways right now. Others will be willing to help you with your goals and ambitions, take the help.

Pisces: You may have woken up this morning full of optimism and faith. Because you feel strong enough to take chances, you remind yourself that anything is possible if you set your sights high enough. As you move about your day, hold on to that feeling. It is entirely possible that there be a few somber notes but it doesn’t have to ruin your mood. These events may be minor but they still warrant your consideration and action. By getting to the heart of the matter you can address the problems that are affecting you both and someone dear. It may be as simple as a misunderstanding or something completely forgotten but it can be fixed. Get the subject out of the way, so that you can enjoy the evening ahead. It really is worth the effort.


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