Daily Lovescope


Love Horoscopes – September 24, 2013


from – http://dailylovescopes.com

Aries: The day greets you with restlessness and impatience. Everything around you seems to be moving too slow and you are getting nothing the way you want it. You will be demanding and difficult to please but you are having a hard time being as strong or as commanding as you normally are. There is a difference and you are reminded of it. While everyone else is wondering what is wrong, confusion sets in and you will probably decide to change tactics. When it comes to those closest to you, you will see to get things done you need to give as well. As you ask if your lover or other person close to you needs something, they appreciate your efforts and reward you in kind. You may not have been 100 percent yourself today but you learned a valuable lesson.

Taurus: The atmosphere around you is relaxed and easy going so you find yourself congenial and cooperative. As you observe the world around you, you see the similarities and differences between yourself and others but mainly, you see a sudden and heartfelt transformation of your loved one. Though he or she is wonderful generally, you see a warmth and sweetness you never knew they had. If you are attached, you can take advantage of it by slipping in whatever you need or desire from your relationship. Chances are they will do what they can to give you what you ask for. If you are not yet attached, this will lead to a significant development with the one you desire or the development of strong feelings towards someone you encounter.

Gemini: The energy of the day enhances any agreements made or attempts to cooperate. If you are attached and have any concerns, now is the time to discuss them as it is easy for you to share your personal needs and desires. Do not be surprised if your insecurities slip out during your conversations. You are more aware of the image beauty brings forth and evaluate your current self. Though you truly know that it’s not the most important thing in this world, sometimes you feel you fall short in certain areas. Maybe you want to try something new or even buy something new but you have been thinking of doing something different. Regardless of your status, someone out there truly loves you despite any and all your “imperfections”.

Cancer: Those of you attached may have reached the point in your relationships where you are meeting each other’s family. Today or sometime soon may be your turn, thankfully the energy of the day and one that will linger for some time to come, is conducive for first impressions. So long as you sit up straight and don’t fidget, those family members will be able to focus more on the warmth you radiate and the genuine, caring person you are instead of some weak slacker you body language could portray. Things may go so well, they will be charmed by your affection for their loved one and poise that your love will be extremely elated and privately show you as much. Once all the stress is over, treat yourself – you deserve it.

Leo: Today may seem as if the light has gone on in your head and heart. You are in touch with your more sensitive side which will help you to better express a greater level of sensitivity and greater empathy than usual. You realize that things between you and loved one may have become estranged in some way and you two are not easily getting along. As you wonder why, a series of events reminds you that successful relationships are based on a deep level of mutual appreciation and understanding for each other. You tend to demand more than you give and command more than you do; it is likely that your partner isn’t feeling the mutual appreciation from you. Make an effort to change this and your partner will make the effort to be there more.

Virgo: You may be feeling passionate and loving at this time but you are not met with the same enthusiasm from your loved one. You feel something is missing from your relationship, in fact you know something is and to fix it (or at least think you are), you demand more from your lover. Make no doubt that the more you try to command, the more tensions will erupt between you two.  You feel that your sweetheart isn’t giving as much as you and they feel the same of you. Both of you feel that you love more than the other and show it. But in fact, you do show it, just not in ways the other would recognize it. Sit down, hash it out but resolve it. Do not be surprised if friends or family weigh in, the problems were obvious to everyone but you and love.

Libra: This will turn out to be a good day for you. You have a sunny disposition and a gentle demeanor towards those you encounter. You have this desire to be helpful and be of service in some way. The selfless generosity will not only win you some karma points but an effort on behalf of someone in need will make you feel very happy now. Maybe what makes this day even better is that many of you are struck with the realization that you and your loved one are soul mate material. Something happens today that gives you that level of confirmation, comfortable in the knowledge that you have “the one” and are satisfied. It’s been a while since you have felt so at peace, enjoy the energy as it will surrounding you a few more days to come.

Scorpio: You often time get caught up in books and may long for the romantic relationships you see or hear of. Today have hope that you may get as close to that “fairy tale” as you will ever be. Because the energy of the day is friendly and light, expect to make positive connections with anyone you encounter. Of course those of you attached may meet someone who is a potential love interest but you need to get out and mingle with the people of the world. Books are all well and good but you are keeping yourself from the world around you, those who deserve to get to know you! This is a favorable time to visit people you really care for. You may want to call or write someone you love, simply to cheer them up or tell them you love them.

Sagittarius: A series of events today will give you a new appreciation and enjoyment of your love life. You are likely to now welcome or better understand your current relationship status as result of your recent revelation of what makes an intimate affair really work. If you are attached, put this in motion and reap the benefits of a transformed love. For those of you unattached it gives you every reason to look forward to the future. It may just be the immediate future because someone you thought was unattainable is now or will soon be available. Though you have just found peace, you will be tempted to pursue this person with all the charm and warmth you can muster. Resistance is futile dear Archer; you will not be able to help yourself.

Capricorn: Recent or upcoming nuptials have you thinking about your relationship or maybe lack thereof. If you are unattached, you are likely feeling vulnerable after a break up that left you with a big hole of confusion or just emptiness. It is understandable that you refuse to let anyone take advantage of your good nature and big heart again but that doesn’t mean cutting off the world indefinitely. When you feel ready, you should really talk to someone you trust and ease back into the dating world. For those of you attached, these nuptials bring about questions of your own commitment levels making you want to raise them. You your sweetheart are both tempted, but make sure you are not influenced by your friend’s actions first.

Aquarius: Lately, many of you are or have been out of sorts and not sure how to get back to yourself. If you are attached, things are tense between you and love but thankfully the energy of the day is promoting tenderness and unity. You two will have a chance to regain your sense of togetherness but only if you make the make the effort to be genuinely nice to each other and make up for the bullheadness you both have exhibited recently. If you are unattached, it may be better to keep to yourself today. You will certainly attract no one of worth with your cranky and negatively aggressive behavior. It is likely that anything or anyone will piss you off at the drop of a pin so politely give your excuses and ignore your phone. Tomorrow is another day and coming soon.

Pisces: Some may find you a bit out of character today, even fewer will have the guts to comment about it. Not that you do not normally possess some level of eccentricity and sweetness, today you are rather outward with it. If you have a lover, they will find it refreshing and adorable. The energy of the day brings you new lease on life, and you will have a brighter view on love especially if you are attached. Whatever urges this brings, however this inspires you, do not fight the energy.  You will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome once you allow this to flow through you. So go ahead, take your lover out for a wonderfully special evening and show how much you care. You’ll likely be having dessert in a more intimate setting.


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