Daily Lovescope


Love Horoscopes – October 14, 2013


from – http://dailylovescopes.com

Aries: Those of you in a relationship will see life with your lover take a turn for the better today. Things feel new, attitudes are positive and you finally feel an optimism you have felt in a long time. This should be celebrated and the energy surrounding you two promotes some quality time so why not plan to do something that is fun. This might be a great time to plan a romantic getaway and simply enjoy being with each other. If you are unattached and ready to mingle with the world this is a good time to be out and about getting noticed. What you may not know is someone has been paying attention, waiting for you to be ready to take a chance on someone again.  He or she may come on a little heavy but don’t write them off just yet.

Taurus: There is a lot going on around you and the pressures are mounting. For some of you things are going well it is just you and your loved one need some time to get away and spend it together without any outside interference. There are a handful of you that those demands are taking a much deeper toll on your relationship and you need a little help trying to figure out how to fix it now it has gone so far. Grab a close friend or two and get their opinions about yourself and what you can do in regards to your life at this time. Thankfully, the atmosphere surrounding you is energetic and open so this is a great time to approach your loved one with some sort of compromise for what is going on and have some level of cooperation in return. It will be alright.

Gemini: This is a good time for enjoyment and pleasure as your love life is looking up. If you are unattached, you feel like socializing and being friendly so go out and meet new people. What you will find is that the people you meet are very open and quite congenial right now so scoring a date will not be hard at all. People attracted to you now genuinely want to get to know you and share who they are with you as well. For those of you attached, you are more concerned with maintaining a cooperative and harmonious relationship. Things have been unfavorable lately but thanks to the energy of the day that tide has turned. It should be easier to make your loved one happy and them you. Either way Gemini, relax and take advantage of this lucky break.

Cancer: You are your sweetheart may not be on the same page today. It is nothing too negative but it will be noticeable so expect some level of tension as you may encounter a few no win scenarios. Never the less, your loved one has taken to being a cheesy romantic today. You love them and it is sometimes cute when they do this but right now you just don’t have the patience for it. While they are caught up in writing poems and buying flowers, you are restless for something that will challenge you and you alone. You can satisfy both if you take the time to think things through. What you need to do is be a little patient with your loved one and at least appreciate what romance they have tried to accomplish. Once you to, your time is yours to do what you need.

Leo: Your love life is in need of CPR STAT!!! Does not matter what your current status is, this time it is one and the same. Many of you, if not all, have been distracted by things in your life that have been increasingly demanding. Thankfully the pressure around you has subsided and any obligations or responsibilities that have been weighing you down are now easing up. This opens the door for you to not only relax but get things with your love life back on track. If you are attached, do something special for your loved one. It has been a while but try and enjoy some quality time together. If you are unattached, blow off some steam by going out and having fun. You will likely meet someone who has just come out of the same situation you have.

Virgo: Like your Leo neighbor, your love life needs some TLC. For those of you attached, the weight of the world you have been carrying has also become quite heavy in your relationship. Now that some of that stress is gone or the demands not so urgent, you can see clearly the affects these issues have had on your loved one. Spending time together, doing things that your loved one likes to do will go a long way in regaining the balance you two once shared. Of course he or she will pick something that you personally may not want to or like to do but right now, it is all about compromise. If you are unattached you might want to rediscover the magic in the world. When you do, you may find someone who is quite magical themselves.

Libra: Things may be out of control at the moment and you are feeling more than your fair share of uneasiness. Much of what has been going on is out of your hands but you can grab the reins and control what little is available to you. For those of you attached, if you don’t leave some of this behind you when you come home to your loved one, there may not be a loved one to come home to. There is only so much of your stress and intensity they can take so make the effort and think about their feelings as well for once. For those of you unattached, you yearn for that feeling of being cared for and needed by someone but you can’t do that from home. Put yourself out there and take a chance. You will find that someone who can give you what you need.

Scorpio: This will not be a day of passion but it will be a day in which foundations can be strengthened. Romance seems to boil down to discussions about many facets of love and even technique, punctuated by a lot of laughter. But when it comes to the real thing, you may have to wait for a more suitable moment. It can seem too easy to simply push your way through, but right now you’ll find that can be a losing strategy in any of your relationships. The more you shove the more resistance you’ll get. Back off for awhile is going to be the best strategy and the problem will more than likely fade away. This goes against everything in your nature but this is also a time of compromise. Give a little to get a little.

Sagittarius: There is quite a bit of positive energy surrounding you that you will not have to fight through, unlike many others today. If you are attached, you and loved one will spend a great deal of time together having fun, fooling around and even a few in depth conversations. This is the kind of day you love especially as it day winds down and things heat up in the bedroom. It might be so good you have to tomorrow off as well! If you are unattached your need for adventure is causing you to exhibit some risky behavior that could ultimately get you in trouble. Try and stay coherent enough to either stay on the right side of the law or appoint some sort of designated driver so you can have fun and be irresponsible without things getting out of control.

Capricorn: You have been thinking and while that is normally a potentially dangerous thing, this time it will do you some good. You have been thinking about life and your relationships. You are driven and disciplined in general but lately your ambitions and your workaholic tendencies have gotten the best of your life in every way. Take some time out from all of this responsibility and do you. Do you even remember what makes you happy or better yet those of you attached, do you even remember what makes your loved one happy? It is time to fix all of that and put yourself and/or your loved one first. Things in your life need some major love and attention and there is no better time than now do to it. Get started, the quicker you do the happier you’ll be.

Aquarius: You are happy, frisky and so very loving today. If you are attached your loved one will greatly benefit from this attitude. Things are moving well with your love and you two will likely enjoy plenty of laughter and a lot of sexual play. Though things are at the point between you two where a discussion about commitment needs to be had, you can rest assured that today, there is no need to worry that things are going to get all heavy and terribly serious. You two can deal with that later. If you are unattached, expect anyone you meet that you have some sort of sexual interest in, to be just as frisky and flirtatious as you are. This may end up being a quick affair but it will be fun in the meantime.

Pisces: If you those of you unattached are attending some sort of social gathering this evening, enjoy yourselves and enjoy being social. This is a great time to meet others but do not expect anything too passionate. What you can hopefully expect is the chance to get to know someone well enough to want to see them again. You will find yourself appreciating their sense of humor and a few other important qualities. Over time you will discover all the things you have in common and more forward from there. Those of you attached are looking for a bit more security and stability in your relationship and you realize in order to do that some compromises must be made. If you can find a way to realistically do so then you may get all your heart desires.


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