Daily Lovescope


Love Horoscopes – December 6, 2013


from – http://dailylovescopes.com

Aries: Many of you are looking for a change of pace. Whether it is to speed things up or slow them down, the rate that you are going now is not where you need or want to be. For those of you attached, some of you may be trying to figure out ways to bring that the harmony and loving feeling you once shared. Lately everything seems to be routine and almost mechanic. You are worried that if you do not so something drastic, it will all shrivel up and die out. Even those who are unattached may feel that if you don’t do something, you will end up old and alone with only a cat or a dog to keep you  company. Take a day, think about what you need or what your relationship needs and make it happen. It is as simple as that.

Taurus: Nothing seems to be the way it should be today and worse yet, you are a little more sensitive emotionally, than you normally are. If you are attached, your sweetheart isn’t acting like their normal self at all. He or she may be restless and irritable so you may want to suggest they do something without you for a day or two. If you made a connection with someone and have begun building towards a relationship, he or she may be a bit distant today. Rather than get upset with the turn events, focus on maintaining balance in their absence. There is no need to let your feelings be hurt when it really isn’t about you. Take this time apart and revive yourself. In a few days when all is better you can regroup with your loved one and all will be well.

Gemini: The energy surrounding you is more cerebral than emotional and is focused on stability and maturity during this time. While you were hoping to physically and emotionally connect with the person who has your heart, you may find that connection come through conversation and common ground. You will feel in tune with your romantic interest on important issues, that is always a positive note. A side effect of this cerebral energy is your desire to experiment as well as be a bit independent. If you are attached, many of you may find it hard to compromise in any way, even if it is to keep your relationship together. If it reaches this point, take your need for independence and spend a day or two by yourself.

Cancer: Many of you have been fighting this need to break away from what you consider normal. Granted, when you get like this it usually means doing something rather excessive and that is not something you rationally want to do. While that part should be resisted, the concept should not be ignored. Breaking away will give you the opportunity to try new things and even meet new people. If you are unattached this will work in your favor as you will meet someone who is both entertaining and intriguing. He or she is not someone you would usually approach but will be thankful you took a chance. Either way, you need a little spicing up but only go as far as you are comfortable with. Just because you trying new things doesn’t mean you have lose your mind.

Leo: Lately you have been thinking that you might want to stretch out a bit and reassert your independence. If you are unattached, a little space could do you both some good. Not that you both are not happy, but sometimes going off on your own for a while makes things that much better when you return to each other. If you are unattached and looking, you need to explore places you have yet to go. This opens the door to meeting new people one of which will be someone you connect with. He or she surprises you from the get go by challenging everything you thought you knew about what you want in life. This person not only gives you a fresh perspective but they also agree to go on a date with you!

Virgo: Nothing about this day will be ordinary so of course your love life will be affected. Things may take an unexpected turn as you meet someone that you instantly connect with. Things start moving rather quickly and after an hour or two of talking there is already a date and the promise for much more. If you or this person didn’t have prior commitments, who knows what would have happened if you two spent more time with each other. If you are attached, things may be going so well. The unexpected turn of events may be you or your loved one speaking without much thought of the consequences. I don’t have to tell you that a few heated debates are likely to happen thanks to this. You need to slow things down before it really gets out of hand.

Libra: Sometimes we know what we want, but we don’t always know what we need. Thanks to the energy surrounding you today, matters in your intimate affairs become crystal clear. If you were debating between a few scenarios, it is likely you will reach a decision about it today. Thankfully the spirit of communication is on your side because once you know; you then want to share it with all who have supported you. What this chaos should be teaching you is that you cannot take love for granted. No sooner you fall in love, he or she could be taken away from you just as quickly as they came into our lives. You need love, a bit of positively charged excitement and harmony. As things become more and more clear, you will know what you have to do.

Scorpio: Many of you may be in a fighting mood today. This has been building up for quite some time, especially those of you with someone in your life that you no longer want there. Everything this person does annoys you to no end and you have tried to be as nice as you could, leave subtle hints or make slight comments but he or she either does care or is just completely ignoring you. Thanks to your temperament and lack of compassion, you may end up driving your message down their throat. The good thing is that your message will be heard loud and clear as well as this person will slide right out of your life just as easily as they came. This now opens your doors for someone much better suited to your ideals and lifestyle.

Sagittarius: This could be a day of revelation for many of you. Recent events have left you confused about your love life or lack thereof. Because the energy of the day enhances your mental function, your mind is sharp which makes you both articulate and observant. There will be something today that brings you a sudden sense of clarity concerning your intimate affairs. One of those realizations is that the right person will not just fall onto your lap. Another may be that no one will ever be everything your heart desires but that you can get pretty close to it. Thirdly is that you will need to compromise from time to time, even meet your lover halfway more often than not. Also, if there is something or someone you want right now, go on out there get ‘em!

Capricorn: Regardless of your relationship status, a little self-indulgence is definitely in order today. This may mean wearing something that attracts attention or splurging on something nice, either way this is the time to take care of some of your personal needs. The energy surrounding you seems to lack structure or protocol but it is rather positive and in your favor today. This is may be a little difficult for someone who likes tradition but shaking things up in your love life may be just what you need right now. So if you are unattached and are normally uncomfortable making the first move, try doing so today. You may be more successful than you think. If you are attached, do what you can to get in some quality time with your sweetheart.

Aquarius: Some of you need to shake off this mood you find yourself in. Right now you can see the negative in everything and might have begun to think “why bother”. Rather than fight the positive and optimistic energy of the day, fight off this negativity. Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it so let’s stop whining about the problems and confront them head on. Another reason to let go this sour outlook is that energy surrounding you is using your natural charisma to attract new people into your life. You don’t want them to have a bad impression of you now do you?  Exactly. For those of you unattached, you may find that you have a pool of potential dates to sift through. Either way, life and love are on your side today, make the most of it.

Pisces: Life is full of change and unpredictability. Part of you likes the change up, to rebuild or refresh what is around you. Each time you have to change things, you learn from the past and make it better. If you find yourself in this situation today, don’t think so negatively about it, you can make it work. Whether it is revitalizing your relationship or finding someone new, you can do this. Granted, you may stumble and fall the first couple of times but you will get it right. You are a Pisces; it’s understandable. Much of this time will be about testing your resolve rather than the strength of your heart. Are you strong enough for this next phase in your life? Either you will be making a commitment soon or the next person in your life IS the one.


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