Daily Lovescope


Love Horoscopes – December 13, 2013


from – http://dailylovescopes.com

Aries: Because you feel warmth and particularly friendly, you had hoped that things will finally be going your way in love.  Problem is that your love life just isn’t clicking so easily right now. While your disposition is appreciated, it still does nothing to change your sweetheart’s mood. You may have been hoping to start turning the tides of this relationship back to something more positive but this has become more of an uphill battle than you anticipated. Regardless of your status, it is time to accept that you will not have much of a chance for progress today. Say what you really feel, be as honest as you can and let the pieces fall where they may. If he or she leaves you, someone else may be right around the corner hoping to love you.

Taurus: For the most part today was supposed to be lighthearted and relaxed, sadly you will have to jump through a hoop or two to get there. Because you are having a hard time ignoring the serious issues in your love life, you may decide to take matters into your own hands and talk to the one who has your heart. Problem is that you may not truly hear what your loved one is saying they need from you. You are so caught up that could possibly miss your chance to actually compromise and gain something. If you do miss this chance, you both could lose everything. If it begins to get out of hand, walk away. Maybe go out with your friends if you are so inclined but forgo this arguing. You can do that tomorrow.

Gemini: Oh today will be stress on your blood pressure! Regardless of your status, it is likely that you will need to have a conversation with the person who has your heart. Now this would be fine except that the energy of the day is a bit twisty. Your emotions are fragile so at a drop of pin you could turn aggressive and spew more than your fair share of harsh words. It will be easy to get into pointless arguments and maybe even throw a temper tantrum. If you start to have this talk but end up skirting around the issue of the day then you need to just back off. Nothing is being accomplished other than arguing and elevated blood pressures. Both of you are better than this. Let his energy pass and revisit this much needed conversation later.

Cancer: You are more emotional and introspective than usual so you are likely to be a little sensitive today. If you are attached, whatever tensions or issues you are having in your love life have begun to take a toll on you. If you are unattached and without a prospect, you might be feeling the weight of uncertainty holding you down. Either way you may grow quiet and introverted. Rather than get lost in yourself, call upon those close to you for strength and support. Talking it out can really do wonders for you. If you happen to have a date tonight, do not be surprised if it lacks any luster. The energy of the day isn’t very passionate at all so things may feel a bit formal. Date two and three will be much better.

Leo: Things may be good in your love life but they are not good enough. You mind has wondered over into your happy place where you can imagine all that could be. Of course there is a problem with that.  Either you are in a relationship that isn’t doing so well or the one you are interested in may not return your feelings. Rather than suffer disappointment, you need to work out the real life before you can allow yourself to get caught up in your daydreams. For those attached, if this relationship is worth it then try to mend the broken fences. By reminding your sweetie of what is positive between you two, things could very well improve. Unattached, make sure that this person is not interested in you. You may be surprised at what you might find out.

Virgo: For some of you, your love life may feel like an albatross around your neck. If there are some unresolved issues or ones that were just brought to your attention, they will likely cause some problems today. Depending on the situation and your reaction, you may be feeling like you are doing the right thing. That is until the significant other in your life informs you otherwise. He or she is not happy with your feelings on the matter and will have likely gotten upset in return. Rather than engage in a drawn out screaming match, it would be best to back off. If you are not quite attached, you and this person are on rocky ground now and things between you can go either way. Attached, if you can keep your sense of humor, you will be ok.

Libra: Many of you may find yourself torn right now. You are horny, really horny and it is something your hand can no longer help. But either you have recently come out of a relationship or you have been unattached for some time now. Either way, you don’t want to just have a one night stand but you are really too jaded to even think about trying to date again. It probably won’t help you when some of the people you encounter begin to casually flirt with you. This will teach you not have or get rid of your “friends with benefits” person. If you are attached and experiencing similar feelings but feel distant from your loved one, you may have to wait a day or two for relief. In fact, in either case – things will get better shortly.

Scorpio: It is all in the eyes today! You won’t need words, you won’t need flashy clothes, and you won’t need anything other than that look only you can give. Yes, it really is that simple. If you are looking to grab someone’s attention, use the positive energy of the day to attract them with an inviting stare. If you are attached, your lover may know this look very well and call it your “come hither” stare. For those who may not have someone in their lives, that level of intimacy you are projecting will attract those of similar minds and hearts toward you today. Make use of this energy today to improve the current state of your love life. It will be a good day and you can control every aspect of it!

Sagittarius: You deeply desire a love that is rather intimate and private. Something you share with just one person, someone who needs you as much as you need them for no other reason than love and companionship. Either you have never felt a love like this or you want it once again. It is ok to have these needs and it is ok to want to feel secure and plant some roots somewhere. If you are unattached, you will not be able to accomplish this without making some sort of effort to connect with people you wouldn’t normally connect with. You will meet the person you have been hoping for this way. If you are attached, you need to let your loved one know how you feel. Don’t get caught up in any other topic until yours is resolved.

Capricorn: Many of you may be mulling over what to do with your love life. If you are attached, there are some things that been bothersome when they were simple and infrequent annoyances. Now that they are seriously affecting your relationship, you don’t know what you should do. Instead getting constructive advice from others, you find that this has become complicated and that you are more confused than ever. Since those closest to you were of no help, take the situation into your own hands and deal with it all by yourself. Approach this in a business-like manner that isn’t accusatory or aggressive, just a firm stance on what you see as factual. If it gets ugly, walk away. But you may find that they are willing to talk.

Aquarius: This may be one of those days where you want to go back to bed and pull the covers up over your head! If you are attached, your sweetheart may be in a mood again. He or she is finding fault with every and anything! You will find no peace between the disapproving looks or the comments. If there has been some tension leading up today, this may be their way of pushing you enough to confront it. Sadly, the energy of the day is not in your favor but it may be tomorrow. If you are unattached, it is likely that you may development strong feelings for someone you already know or are rather attracted to someone you just met. The one who reflects who you truly are and where you want to be is the one you should pursue.

Pisces: Regardless of your status, you may have a bit of a situation on your hands today. You may be involved in a romance where you are not quite sure how things stand between you and the one who has your heart. You are reading into something that may not really be there. Whatever these signals are you think you are reading are doing more harm than good. Thankfully, the energy of the day is in a rather talkative mood. Take the other person involved somewhere quiet and talk about your feelings. That will be easy part; the hard part is listening in return so you two don’t get your signals crossed again. It is only then will you get a real sense of what is going on between you. What is it… when you assume you make an ass out of…


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