Weekly Lovescopes – beginning November 9, 2014 – from The Astrology Room

teddy bear in love
Sarah’s Love Horoscopes (week beginning 9th November)
from http://www.theastrologyroom.com
by Sarah Bartlett

As the moon continues its waning phase, we all have a chance to take a back-seat, reflect, meditate and look deeper inside about our true desires and needs.

Patience will be needed by those of you who are the fire signs, Aries, Sagittarius and Leo; acceptance of others limitations by those who are water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; emotional honesty by those of you who are air signs, Libra, Gemini and Aquarius; and tolerance of people’s feelings by those of you who are the earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. But whatever sign you are, this is one week when genuine respect for the other will win you the love you desire or the love you long to give.


This week, you’re ready for any confrontation or show-down in the love department. Whatever it is that’s bugging you, you know that things must be brought out into the open. Whatever you say will have a profound and remarkable effect on your love-life, and funnily enough you’ll find progress where you least expect it. Are you ready to take that leap into the dark and find the light of yourself? This is your first step on the road to self-knowledge and revitalised self-esteem. Don’t deny yourself the chance.

To book a private tarot or astrology telephone consultation with Sarah, wherever you are in the world, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£50, US$75 for 20mins, UK£80, US$120 for 40mins.

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You have this vision of the perfect relationship, how it will be – oh, how it will be all magical and romantic, with stolen moments, laughter, madness, sexy games and endless challenges. But when it gets ‘messy’ you end up picking as many holes in your partner as there are in a string vest. And then it gets messier. Because people generally don’t like to be criticized and blamed. And people, inevitably will start to retaliate or leave. And then the whole thing that was so perfect and evenly balanced ends up being a disaster. Watch out this week for a little mess, but a lot nearer to clearing up things between you too.

To book a private tarot or astrology telephone consultation with Sarah, wherever you are in the world, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£50, US$75 for 20mins, UK£80, US$120 for 40mins.

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It’s probably one of those weeks when you get stuck in a traffic jam, you chose the slowest supermarket queue, people are aggressive and life’s seems a little unfair. Where is love and kindness and harmony when you need it? They say that air signs are philosophical about life, and analyse and then accept that everyone is only human after all. But what ‘they’ clearly haven’t realised is that you also are a romantic. You must have equality, and you mustn’t let your vision of the perfect relationship be shattered, which is why you crusade and fight for causes and people so beautifully. So keep that vision intact, even though it may be tough to follow through.

To book a private tarot or astrology telephone consultation with Sarah, wherever you are in the world, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£50, US$75 for 20mins, UK£80, US$120 for 40mins.

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Big changes are happening around you, people are finally listening, taking note, promoting your virtues, binning their suspicions. Maybe there’s still a few who are critical, or demanding results where there’s none to be had. But as a highly principled water sign, it’s now time to think what you’re putting yourself out for, and what can you actually put up with? You want to know that others are relying on you. Yet can you rely on them? So don’t bottle up any niggling doubts, fears or worries. It takes guts to stand your ground, but far better than losing out on an opportunity to show you can live a little dangerously, surely?

To book a private tarot or astrology telephone consultation with Sarah, wherever you are in the world, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£50, US$75 for 20mins, UK£80, US$120 for 40mins.

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Do you feel obliged to do as someone says, or think as they think, or love the way they want you to love them? What exactly do you ‘owe’ them if anything? This needs to change. Because if it continues, you will only end up repeating failure mantras to yourself rather than success ones. You know like, ‘nobody will ever love me’, ‘I can’t be bothered to change anything,’ ‘why me?” You may not realise that your mind is repeating this under all the nice ‘have a nice days’ and “lovely to see yous.’ Remember, under the breath we are desperate. We want to be loved, we feel alone, needy and we want more. But with self-awareness, any desperation will shortly turn to delight.

To book a private tarot or astrology telephone consultation with Sarah, wherever you are in the world, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£50, US$75 for 20mins, UK£80, US$120 for 40mins.

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This week marks the beginning of a new start. It doesn’t mean love’s going to be a doddle, but it is going to mean love can work for you. So time to stand firm. To find the courage to make the changes, to dump those people who use you to compensate for their own failings. With good cosmic vibrations all around you, whether single or attached, love becomes easier, and you genuinely feel strong within yourself. Now you can free yourself from the chains of someone else’s inadequacy, and start to weave romantic and sensual delights back into your life too.

To book a private tarot or astrology telephone consultation with Sarah, wherever you are in the world, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£50, US$75 for 20mins, UK£80, US$120 for 40mins.

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As the writer, F. Scott Fitzgerald said, the beauty of literature is that you ‘discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely or isolated from anyone. You belong.’ And reading this horoscope forecast is equally valid, because you know you share something with a twelfth of the population, and you’re not alone. But you also need to look up from the pages and play with life and love, not be in fear of it, or search for it in a book. Love means as many things as there are people, so this week, think, what does it really mean to you?

To book a private tarot or astrology telephone consultation with Sarah, wherever you are in the world, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£50, US$75 for 20mins, UK£80, US$120 for 40mins.

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This week, be selfish, egotistic and even a little bit mean, and thoroughly indulge yourself in the kind of sex you like best too. Frankly, it’s time to face the music that resonates to your deepest desires. If you’re single, your need for space doesn’t mean you don’t love someone to bits, and if friends don’t see it that way, then they have a lot to learn about love. Rebel gracefully, take the plunge, honour your individuality and liberate yourself from collective assumptions about what you should and shouldn’t do. Time to invest in your own life.

To book a private tarot or astrology telephone consultation with Sarah, wherever you are in the world, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£50, US$75 for 20mins, UK£80, US$120 for 40mins.

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As you are aware, we create our own vulnerability and no-one else can be responsible for it. However, it doesn’t help if we’ve had bad childhood experiences, nor does it help if we’ve been wrapped in cotton wool. Both are inevitably going to scar us along the way. But what astrology tries to do is show you that you come into this life with a unique purpose. And at some time in your life you must try to express that individuality, live out your potential, and free yourself from the burdens and anxieties of the past. This week, you can now truly embrace the joy and closeness that you’re secretly longing for.

To book a private tarot or astrology telephone consultation with Sarah, wherever you are in the world, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£50, US$75 for 20mins, UK£80, US$120 for 40mins.

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This week, there’s a need to go against the status quo. Family seem stuck in their ways, and partners unsure of what they want, let alone know what you want. Secret feelings are in need of illumination. And like a tunnelling mole, you need to dig around, search within, and bring unresolved issues to the light. At last, you to see truth from fiction. But who’s to say which is better anyway? After all, if you make it up as you go along, life could be just one long tale of joy and romance. This is your chance to invent your own future and find joy in yourself.

To book a private tarot or astrology telephone consultation with Sarah, wherever you are in the world, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£50, US$75 for 20mins, UK£80, US$120 for 40mins.

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Single or attached, your true spirit is coming alive again. But time waits for no man, nor woman for that matter. And suddenly it seems like last year has flown past and what have you managed to achieve? Well, now it’s time to redesign your future, revision your way of thinking and look at life with a new approach. You’re in need of stimulating conversation, bright ideas and a new attitude to your personal desires and goals. But you need to look at where you’ve been already before you can move on. Which experiences have mattered to you, which love goals did you set that worked for you or against you? Time to enrich your life with passion and excitement.

To book a private tarot or astrology telephone consultation with Sarah, wherever you are in the world, click here.
Phone consultations cost UK£50, US$75 for 20mins, UK£80, US$120 for 40mins.

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Love certainly makes the world go round. But so does anger and passion. One simply can’t have the light without the dark, as you know. And the more you try to imagine how it would be if there was only love in the world, or that the perfect partner was about to walk through your door, the more you get disillusioned by your very hopes and dreams. One side of you says, be cautious, the other says, be innovative. How to blend or work these two opposing energies? Well, right now, take one day at a time. You have a chance to make love a long-term reality, as long as you don’t get caught up in your own illusions about what that ought to be.

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