Daily Lovescopes

Love Horoscopes – January 6, 2012

from – http://dailylovescopes.com

Aries: Today you will have to ability to pave the way for better relationships in the future. You may find that a certain event or even a revelation from within catalyzes you into deciding to do something about a current love relationship. Things are not as mellow as they might be, but resolution and progress are possible through mutual recognition and compromise of any issues that you have the courage to bring up. The celestial configuration is encouraging you to take notice of why a certain problem seems to keep on reoccurring, and finally to do something about it. This could impact your priorities and goals, but be ready to give in on small points in order to gain on the large ones. By learning from this now, it will help you with your next lover later.

Taurus: You are moved to express your affections more openly than usual. Giving and receiving appreciation, love, and happiness come into your life more easily now. Long-term changes in your approach to your most significant relationship, and relationships in general, are about to take place. They will overall improve your interaction with others. You may have been having certain thoughts about why you seem to end up in the same kind of partnerships. Gradually you will begin to see a pattern that makes so much sense that you will be inspired to do something about it. Try to make room for a lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this time. The more open you are, the more will come to you.

Gemini: You are more distressed than usual over any the uneasy energy in your environment or personal relationships. This makes you inclined to avoid serious discussions or real disagreements with others. You have known for some time that you need to change if you are ever going to find real happiness within your close personal relationships. The celestial configuration offers just such an opportunity. Although this will inevitably be a gradual process, you can begin by making a positive commitment to be honest with yourself about your behavior, and also honest with your partner. Ease into any changes gently. Also, challenging mental work and concentration is difficult for you now. Take a break if possible and just chill out for the day.

Cancer: A little analysis brings fascinating insights but you are also given a choice today. You can either focus entirely on what is happening on the surface of your relationships, or to continue to exist in a state where you can accept certain things about your lover, but not others. You would be wise to look at the deeper reasons why you became involved in the first place, and where it seems to be heading. A strong sense of adventure makes this a very interesting time; especially when meeting new people or forming new relationships. You are inclined to act on some of the wilder impulses and desires you feel from time to time. You crave stimulation and if you have an inventive side, you could make a startling discovery or breakthrough now.

Leo: If you are unattached, romance is very possible if you take a risk right now. Your desires are strong, and you will want to enjoy yourself at this time, maybe even selfishly. You are likely to become aware of your true nature, and how very much attuned you are to the tides and rhythms of life. The celestial configuration is now bringing you into alignment with an even deeper set of rhythms: those associated with the subconscious mind. It is by looking more closely at your dreams, or taking notice of your intuitions and gut reactions that you can make real progress in your personal relationships. There is a basic drive to appreciate and taste life, go for it! Lean to trust yourself and your instincts. They will serve you well.

Virgo: This is an excellent time to learn more about your own inner depths and those of a romantic partner. There is great depth to your conversations and you find yourself revealing secrets or very private matters. Superficial answers don’t satisfy you now so in return you are also asking very penetrating questions of others. During the conversations you have in this cycle you come to realize that you can’t always have it the way you want. Most relationships are a question of give and take, and gradually you are seeing why you often overwhelm and intimidate others, with your natural assumption that you must be listened to and obeyed, almost immediately. Your lovers will remain loyal if you give them the freedom to choose their own response.

Libra: Mutual investment and mutual trust is really what today’s emotional energy is about. The celestial configuration is helping you to see clearly just where you are holding yourself back by your insistence upon relating to others in certain set ways. The Universe is practically inviting you to sit down and analyze your relationships from as many different perspectives as you can manage. Stop limiting your growth and staying locked behind certain defense mechanisms. It is now time to begin removing them. You may find that today is a good day for agreements. You may find yourself in a “I’ll scratch yours if you scratch mine” that ends favorably. It will be easy to succeed with share goals and feelings put into action.


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Scorpio: A significant development in a close relationship or strong feelings of attraction to someone you encounter, are very likely at this time. The celestial configuration is encouraging you to think a little more deeply about how you relate to others. You are very congenial and cooperative now and more interested in the similarities than in the differences between yourself and others. You will notice that there are powerful changes occurring in your life on very subtle levels. It is a question of looking at just where you seem to be limiting yourself unnecessarily, which can be difficult to see. But taking the time to ask yourself some pertinent questions will bring helpful answers. Welcome these changes as they will improve matters in the future.

Sagittarius: Close relationships have a big impact on your life at this time. Old ones will be transformed or perhaps even ended, new ones may show up when least expected but welcome them. Like your fellow fire signs you are an all or nothing kind of person. Gradually you are getting the message that it doesn’t help when you have such extreme reactions to events and issues within your relationships. You will see how you often cause problems by your own attitudes, and so you will gradually change. For a few of you, a lover – past or present, has a mesmerizing impact on you that feels so very compelling. To be honest, it is really too much. Take caution and listen to your heart and intuition. Do not get roped into something you may regret later.

Capricorn: Talks between you and your romantic interest is likely to be frequent and rewarding at this time. Verbally the two of you are so in sync that sharing ideas can lead to dreams and goals worth chasing. You come to accept love at a more realistic level. You realize that your relations begin adventurous and exciting but when they seem to settle into a boring mundane routine, you suddenly feel the mad urge to escape completely or into yet another relationship. Gradually you are beginning to see the folly of your ways, and can now start to behave accordingly. If you are attached, some lighthearted flirting with one another should lead to more romantic moments later. File your epiphany for later and enjoy what is right in front of you.

Aquarius: You need to develop a little more compassion for yourself. Understand that you if and when change is necessary, give yourself time and a chance to fully adjust to them. The celestial configuration is helping you to understand just how soul-draining it can be to hang on when every aspect of your being is urging you to move on and get out. You tend to stick to difficult relationship situations for far longer than is actually necessary. The revelations of the day leave you tense and short tempered. Your ideas and thoughts may run counter to accepted values, your own or those of others. You may find yourself in a disapproving mood. Decisions made now may have to be re thought later so don’t be too hasty, remember to breathe.

Pisces: A new era is dawning in your ability to be open and genuine with others. The celestial configuration is encouraging you to take a tour through the murkier corners of your being in order to understand your attitudes toward relationships. This is a rare opportunity to see certain patterns of behavior from a new perspective, and begin to analyze your motives for adopting them in the first place. You will fully understand that you want to belong with someone on a private, more personal level. You need to feel it’s okay to have needs and know that they will be met. This will leave you feeling the need for a greater sense of security and a sense of roots. Look towards home and relatives to help you fortify a foundation for better things to come.

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