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April 17 – 21, 2023 All Zodiac Signs Weekly Horoscope and Tarot Reading

Top 5 Signs a Capricorn Likes You

Top 5 Signs a Capricorn Likes You:

  1. They make an effort to spend time with you.
  • Example 1: They ask you to go out for dinner or drinks.
  • Example 2: They try to coordinate their schedule with yours so that you can spend time together.
  1. They show interest in your life and activities.
  • Example 1: They ask you questions about your hobbies and interests.
  • Example 2: They remember details about your life and bring them up in conversation.
  1. They initiate physical contact.
  • Example 1: They touch your arm or shoulder when talking to you.
  • Example 2: They hug you when they see you or say goodbye.
  1. They compliment you.
  • Example 1: They tell you that you look nice or that they like your outfit.
  • Example 2: They compliment your intelligence or your sense of humor.
  1. They prioritize your needs.
  • Example 1: They offer to help you with something you’re struggling with.
  • Example 2: They check in on you when you’re going through a difficult time.

Top 5 Signs a Virgo Likes You

Top 5 signs that a Virgo might show if they like you:

  1. They pay attention to the details: Virgos are known for being meticulous and detail-oriented, so if they like you, they might pick up on things that other people don’t. For example:
  • They remember the small details you tell them, like your favorite color or the name of your pet.
  • They might notice things about you that others overlook, like a new haircut or a change in your mood.
  1. They communicate clearly and openly: Virgos are also known for being straightforward and honest, so if they like you, they will likely communicate with you in a clear and direct way. For example:
  • They might express their feelings for you clearly and openly, rather than playing games or being indirect.
  • They will likely listen carefully to what you have to say, and respond in an honest and thoughtful way.
  1. They want to help you: Virgos are often very helpful and service-oriented, so if they like you, they may go out of their way to help you with things. For example:
  • They might offer to help you with a project or task, even if it’s not something they’re particularly interested in.
  • They might give you practical advice or support when you’re going through a difficult time.
  1. They make time for you: Virgos are generally very organized and efficient, so if they like you, they will likely make time for you in their busy schedule. For example:
  • They might prioritize spending time with you, even if they have a lot of other things going on.
  • They might be willing to adjust their schedule or make other sacrifices in order to spend time with you.
  1. They are loyal and committed: Virgos are often very loyal and dedicated to the people they care about, so if they like you, they will likely be committed to building a strong relationship with you. For example:
  • They might be willing to work through challenges or conflicts in the relationship, rather than giving up or walking away.
  • They might be willing to make long-term plans with you, like moving in together or starting a business together

Top 5 Signs a Sagittarius likes you

Top 5 Signs a Sagittarius likes you

  1. They initiate conversations: Sagittarians are known to be talkative and friendly, but if they have a special interest in you, they will go out of their way to start conversations.
    • Examples: They may text or call you first thing in the morning or send you a message during their busy day just to check in and see how you’re doing.
  2. They include you in their plans: Sagittarians love adventure and exploration, so if they like you, they will want to include you in their exciting plans.
    • Examples: They may invite you to join them on a spontaneous road trip or ask you to come along on their next hiking excursion.
  3. They show their playful side: Sagittarians have a fun-loving and playful nature, so if they like you, they will likely tease and joke around with you.
    • Examples: They may playfully poke fun at something you said or do a silly dance to make you laugh.
  4. They are open and honest with you: Sagittarians value honesty and authenticity, so if they like you, they will be straightforward and genuine with you.
    • Examples: They may share personal stories and experiences with you or tell you how they feel about you directly and honestly.
  5. They make time for you: Sagittarians can be busy and independent, but if they like you, they will make an effort to prioritize spending time with you.
    • Examples: They may rearrange their schedule to fit in a lunch date with you or cancel plans with others to spend more time with you.

Top 5 Signs a Scorpio Likes You

Top 5 Signs a Scorpio Likes You

  1. Intense Eye Contact: Scorpios are known for their piercing stare, and if they’re interested in you, they’ll maintain prolonged eye contact. They may even make you feel a little uncomfortable with how intensely they’re looking at you.

Example 1: They lock eyes with you across the room and maintain the gaze for an extended period of time.

Example 2: They make direct eye contact while having a conversation with you, and you feel like they’re looking right through you.

  1. Asking Deep Questions: Scorpios are very curious and love to understand people on a deeper level. If they like you, they’ll ask you thought-provoking questions that help them get to know you better.

Example 1: They ask you about your childhood, your dreams, and your fears.

Example 2: They inquire about your spiritual beliefs, your philosophies on life, and your values.

  1. Showing Their Vulnerability: Scorpios are often guarded and have a tough exterior. If they’re interested in you, they’ll let their guard down and show you their vulnerable side.

Example 1: They confide in you about their past traumas and how it has shaped them.

Example 2: They express their fears and insecurities to you and seek your support.

  1. Being Protective: Scorpios are fiercely loyal to those they care about. If they like you, they’ll be very protective of you and will go to great lengths to ensure your safety and wellbeing.

Example 1: They walk you home at night to make sure you get there safely.

Example 2: They stand up for you when someone is being disrespectful towards you.

  1. Making Time for You: Scorpios are very busy and have a lot going on in their lives. If they like you, they’ll make time for you, no matter how hectic their schedule is.

Example 1: They cancel plans with other people to spend time with you.

Example 2: They prioritize spending time with you, even when they have a lot of work to do.

Top 5 Signs a Libra Likes You

Top 5 Signs a Libra Likes You

Libra is a zodiac sign that is known for its charm, sociability, and desire for balance and harmony in relationships. Here are the top 5 signs a Libra zodiac sign likes you, along with two examples for each sign:

  1. They go out of their way to spend time with you
  • They initiate plans to see you, whether it’s grabbing coffee or attending an event together.
  • They consistently make time for you, even if it means rearranging their schedule.
  1. They are attentive to your needs
  • They actively listen to what you have to say and offer thoughtful advice and support.
  • They remember the little things about you, like your favorite drink or how you take your coffee.
  1. They flirt with you
  • They use playful banter and compliments to show their interest in you.
  • They may touch your arm or lean in closer when talking to you.
  1. They prioritize communication with you
  • They respond to your messages and calls promptly.
  • They initiate conversations with you regularly, and keep in touch when they’re away.
  1. They make romantic gestures
  • They surprise you with thoughtful gifts or gestures of affection, such as bringing you flowers or writing you a love note.
  • They plan romantic dates or outings, such as a candlelit dinner or a weekend getaway.

Top 5 Signs a Leo Likes you

Top 5 Signs that a Leo likes you:

  1. They pay extra attention to you: Leos are known to be very attentive and focused on the people they like. If a Leo is interested in you, they will make sure to give you their undivided attention, compliment you, and listen to what you have to say.


  • They make an effort to remember the things you like or dislike, and surprise you with little gifts or gestures.
  • They may try to find excuses to spend more time with you, or invite you to events they are attending.
  1. They are very affectionate: Leos are very affectionate and love to show their emotions. If a Leo is interested in you, they will not hesitate to express their feelings and shower you with attention and affection.


  • They may hug you or hold your hand often, or find excuses to touch you in a non-threatening way.
  • They may write you love letters or texts expressing their feelings, or post public declarations of their affection on social media.
  1. They are very confident: Leos are known for their confidence and charisma. If a Leo is interested in you, they will show it with their confident and assertive behavior.


  • They may approach you first and start a conversation without hesitation, or take the lead in making plans for the two of you.
  • They may speak their mind openly and honestly, and share their opinions and thoughts without fear of judgment.
  1. They want to impress you: Leos are very proud and like to show off their talents and skills. If a Leo is interested in you, they will want to impress you with their accomplishments and achievements.


  • They may talk about their successful projects or hobbies, or invite you to watch them perform or compete.
  • They may dress up nicely and pay extra attention to their appearance when they know they will see you.
  1. They are protective of you: Leos are very loyal and protective of their loved ones. If a Leo is interested in you, they will want to take care of you and make sure you are safe and happy.


  • They may offer to drive you home or walk you to your car after an event, or check on you regularly to make sure you are doing well.
  • They may stand up for you in a difficult situation or defend you against someone who is being rude or disrespectful.