Daily Lovescopes

Love Horoscopes – May 4, 2012

from – http://dailylovescopes.com

Aries: You need to get to the bottom of the problems between you and your loved one. In order to discover the true facts of the situation, try to look at your current dilemma from a detached viewpoint. If you can cast aside your spirited attitude, you will be able to trace the problem right down to its source. Because you both are so entangled in your emotions, neither of you could see what was going on. The strength and satisfaction you need in life right now can be derived from your family and roots right now. But you will clearly see any difficulties or short comings at this time if tensions are running high. It may be time to mend some fences or get in contact with those you were once close to. Make the effort!

Taurus: Thoughts of love and enjoyment of your surroundings are the energy of the day but you may have to do the enjoying on your own. If your lover seems in a sour mood today, it’s likely to be more mental and emotional than physical. They may be in more of a reflective state of mind than usual, and need to be alone with their thoughts right now. It is probably the best idea to give your loved one some space for a while to allow them to come to whatever conclusions they need to. They will be back – don’t worry. Meanwhile, this is a good time to schedule social activities where tact and friendliness would be a plus. You will have some time on your hands for the next couple of days, make good use of it.

Gemini: Lately it has been rather difficult to express exactly what you want to say. There is a proposal of sorts that you wish to put forward but you can’t seem to get the words out. The problem really stems from fear. For some reason you are worried about the response you will get to your request. Your mind has gone off on its own and your overactive imagination is at it again. In reality, you are holding yourself back. All you need to do right now is take the first step and just do it. Because the energy is in your favor today making it easy to discuss your personal needs and desires in your relationships. What you are looking for, the agreements and cooperation you seek can be achieved easily now if you make the effort.

Cancer: Unexpected pleasures in your relationships will make this time period very stimulating and quite delightful. This could come in the form of new friends or a more playful, adventurous attitude. Either way the energy of the day is look towards a revitalization of your love life. If you have worked yourself into a tight corner in terms of your intimate affairs it is time to stop whatever it is you are doing and regroup. Stop letting your mind imagine wildly unlikely scenarios and please stop being so indecisive. Confront the matter head on and to do what needs to be done – the sooner the better. Then you get back to the more exciting things like experimenting sexually and being spontaneous.

Leo: This energy of the day can fuel all kinds of positive ideas and feelings. Your emotions are strong yet light and playful, opening the doors to clarity and creativity. It can seem like there is no limit to what’s out there for you. But be careful that you are not holding yourself back from getting all you deserve. If you are going out on a first date tonight, your nerves are so worked up that you may be left somewhat tongue-tied. You will find it difficult to think, let alone what to talk about. This is an unusual state of affairs for you and you feel completely out of your element. The best way to deal with this, apart from consuming large quantities of alcohol, is to forget about yourself and focus on your partner. Listen to the cues and attend to their desires.

Virgo: Your intimate affairs are intensified now. You experience strong feelings of attraction, love and desire unless you are unhappy in your sexual life. If you are then you are likely to angry with your current lover or partner. You may be tempted to stay in bed with the covers pulled over your head because of how you feel. What isn’t helping matters at all is your loved one appears to be ignoring you. You can’t understand why, and you would rather not deal with the surmounting tensions. Your most natural reaction is to withdraw into hurt silence. It doesn’t have to be this way. It would be more helpful to talk or yell it out, even though you find it difficult. If you can express how you feel calmly and honestly then it will work out for the best.

Libra: You are so completely focused on the wrong things that you will likely make matters worse. A small problem that has come between you and your loved that you feel is insurmountable and the beginnings of the end. But the good news is that this is all in your mind. If you stop working up in your head, it will no longer be a major issue between you. In fact once you really think objectively about it, you will wonder what all the fuss was about. So go ahead and merge your mental and emotional processes and focus on what you are supposed to be doing. Make up for lost time by putting into motion the recent activities you and your loved one wanted to experience.

Scorpio: You may be tempted to close your mind against an idea or plan that your loved one would like to go ahead with. The current astral configuration makes you a formidable obstacle in their bid to make it happen. Rather than being so totally opposed to it, it would help if you could talk honestly about why you are having a problem. This is the best solution. Someone could challenge you on a very sensitive issue. You may feel so enraged that an argument or, at the least, a highly intense and uncomfortable conversation will be had. If it truly pushed your buttons maybe it’s time to figure out why.  In doing so you could touch upon some very emotional parts of you and find a great way how to handle something like this in the future.

Sagittarius: Like your Leo cousin, if you have a first date, your nerves are getting the best of you. You of all people may find yourselves a little tongue-tied and unsure of yourself. This might cause a lag in the conversation and awkward moments. Thankfully, your date is likely to be in the same predicament. If this ends up being the case, then put everyone out of their misery and take control of the situation. Draw your date out by concentrating on them and their life history. Pretty soon the conversation will be flowing and the rest of the evening will be easy. If you are attached you may have the need to break free from relationships. You feel like your trapped and have this overwhelming need to make changes and make them NOW.

Capricorn: It’s easy for everyone to get too wound up in their feelings and today you could find yourself running in circles until you fall down. Your lover may be exceptionally silent and uncommunicative today. You are likely to want to pressuring them into talking and giving you some kind of an answer. You are so focused on what you want that you will make the situation even worse. Get a hold of yourself and leave them alone. When they feel ready to speak they will but until then, be patient and know it will all be just fine. Busy yourself with all the things you have wanted to do that haven’t had the time to. So if that is a restaurant to eat at or a movie to see, go and do it. Things will come together in a few days.

Aquarius: Current astral energies bring a chance for some serious discussion with your sweetest heart. This is a great opportunity to be honest with each other and to talk about the future of your relationship. The only slight problem is that you may have an overly pessimistic view of it all. You have a few scenarios rolling around in your head and none of them viable. If you can be realistic instead, you can make great progress. Clear your mind and regain your focus, you will feel a lot better about everything. So don’t hesitate to voice your desires, if you can say it then you can have it. Chances are that once you are done, you and love one will be heading in the direction that you wanted and are stronger than you were before.

Pisces: Now is a good time for you to take a step back and really look at your personal relationships. See what’s really working and what’s not. If things are moving along great then don’t rock the boat but if you are unhappy, you might want o have an open and honest talk with those involved.  You may be tempted to not say anything at all and withdraw from your lover completely. Your mind has worked up these images and worse case scenarios that you can’t bear to even look at yourself in the mirror. The best thing to do right now is to face your worst fears about what you believe is happening, and find out if there is any truth in it. By clearing the air you can try to set the appropriate changes in motion and most of all relieve your stress.

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About sonny

Musician, Hypnotist, & Professional Cool Guy He is affectionately known as The Love Hypnotist for his work Mending Broken Hearts & helping people Find True Love. www.thesunnyside.net www.thesunnysidemusic.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwnRTQpNNhFE4MS359n4u_w

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