Daily Lovescopes


Love Horoscopes – May 1, 2014

from – http://dailylovescopes.com

Aries: New adventures begin today and can be the start of great friendships or even love relationships as well as achievements that could bring both wealth and love. Whether you have just begun dating or have been for quite some time. The true dynamics of your relationship become clear. Within that clarity you begin to compare it to what you consider to be ideal. Whatever lessons you may have learned before will be of benefit as you decide just how far you would like this latest affair to go. You will also have the help of someone you care about that will act as a sounding board for what exactly you want out of a partnership. What you have and what is your ideal is not that far off fundamentally but there are a few points to question.

Taurus: Conflicts between duty and pleasure or between the mundane and a yearning for love and emotional satisfaction are likely now. This is a time to let go of something or someone who no longer has a positive purpose in your life. Of course this will be difficult, no wants their relationship to end or take some sort of break but it will work wonders for you personally. Though this is happening around you, the energy is general is rather optimistic. Under this influence, your chances of beginning a relationship with someone are high. Make sure what when it comes together to make more effort to know both their history and what has yet to be written. This will help your personal insecurity issues.

Gemini: Today is good day to give your wilder side a little freedom to play. With so much love being in the air right now, extraordinary opportunities may come your way and should be taken advantage of. If you are unattached you may end up having a spontaneous tryst with someone that will raise both your spirits tremendously. Just the pick me up you needed. If you happen to have a date tonight it will be rather romantic. They may be waiting for some kind of signal from you that you do care about them. They hope that this dinner date will be enough to make some sort of declaration or take action. The ball is very much in your court; play it how you will.

Cancer: This is a good time to say whatever it is you need to day. Personal subjects are the topic of discussion now and it’s time to let go of issues that have been holding you back from really achieving the peace and harmony you know you deserve and desire. Do you need to clear the air with a lover? By all means do so. This is doing nothing more than tear apart all you two have worked for these last few years. Remember that relationships, especially intimate ones, are a give and take. If you happen to be someone who you admire from afar, it is time you break the ice, have a conversation and show that you care. You have yet to express how you feel for fear of being hurt. It is understandable but no longer necessary.

Leo: There are some things going in your love life that should serve as a reminder that being strong doesn’t mean you can’t be sensitive too. Right now you are feeling a bit sensitive and very vulnerable but because of your sense of responsibility and sheer determination to keep up your walls, you will not allow yourself to admit any of this openly. This wall you keep up may be the cause of a power struggle that will most likely occur. You need to be very careful with creating this compromise. Being honest and saying what is on your mind will clear up this heap of trouble and prevent something like this from happening again. Remember in any relationship it takes two to tango, whether you can actually dance or not.

Virgo: Underlying or previously hidden aspects of a relationship come to light now. Many of you may be forced to confront and deal with something which is no longer working in your love life. This may be a deeply ingrained or self-defeating attitude that isn’t doing anything but cause problems. Right now you two may have been going through some problems and some of you have not seen as much of each other as you would like to. Even though it all points to a negative outcome, as you are gathering facts, something clicks into place today. You, and maybe your lover as well, will realize just how much love is still in your current relationship. You will both appreciate just how lucky you really are that you have found each other by the day’s end.

Libra: You don’t usually follow anybody else’s lead, that is just not you. Recently you may have felt a little lost but fortunately you are able find your way back to being yourself and a little more confident than you normally are as a bonus. This will have an excellent affect on your love life, especially if you have a date. Now things may be fairly dull at first but this energy you possess will transform this low point into a truly wonderful evening. It may take some time but you will find that there is a natural harmony existing between you two. Once you do, you won’t have to worry about sharing your deepest thoughts; they will be in safe hands. You will be able to talk to each other about anything, and feel totally at ease about it all. This will work out.

Scorpio: Many of you have turned the page in a new chapter of your lives. Do not be surprised if you have emotional beginnings and establish new patterns. Whatever you may find yourself doing; make sure the logic is sound as this fresh start of sorts will be with for quite some time. With this energy is it is very likely that a new romance may form or the revitalization of a current one will occur. This will come through a few unexpected pleasures and a deep conversation respectively. This feeling of harmony and warmth around you is rather contagious. Those you interact with will pick it up by just being in your presence. So go on and indulge your more playful and adventurous attitude. Those who know you will benefit from it.

Sagittarius: You need an extra boost of confidence today. These powerful feelings about someone special, ones you have been denying yourself, will be harder to resist. Once you have succumbed to the feelings you will have no other choice but to say something. This is a bold step, one you should really take. You should really go after this person, you want him or her in your life and they may actually want to be there too, they just don’t know what to say. It’s time, it’s time. If you happen to have someone in your life who all of the sudden becomes distant or non-responsive, let them go. You cannot keep a person who doesn’t want to be kept, if they flee from your life then it is their loss.

Capricorn: The energy surrounding you is all about healing and smoothing over the cracks in your love life. Some cracks may run rather deep so thankfully your overall demeanor will be soothing, tender and gentle toward others. This will insure that whatever fences need to be mended, will be done successfully. Once this is done, you two will realize how much you care about each other and how these problems were really insignificant. Many of you will also feel the need to be of service to someone special in your lives. This is an excellent use of your soothing energy and some selfless generosity or an effort on behalf of someone in need will make you feel very happy now. Whatever you do, make it good.

Aquarius: Right now you should be willing to spend some time working on your relationships, keeping what really works and let go of what doesn’t. Make sure that you are asking for what you want from the one who has your heart not what you don’t want or think you should want. The underlying current of this energy augments mixed signals and if you aren’t careful, you could be giving many over the next few days. If you are going out on a date with someone new, you will be surrounded by the perfect atmosphere to get to know them better. There is romantic and intellectual chemistry between you two that while it may seem easy, will still need some effort on your part. This will be nothing you can’t handle.

Pisces: Many of you have been in a mood lately, once where you like nothing at all and wish you could do it on your own. You have been and may still be a little tense but you have been rather short tempered. Someone or something has helped you to remember to breathe. You still managed to make decision about your emotional issues and personal affairs, but they should really be reconsidered. In some cases, all thoughts related to your emotions and intimacy have been pulled down and re-imagined. If you happen to not be in a negative mood, then you should take advantage of the quiet romantic energy swirling about. Do what you can to enjoy a day and night of pure romance with your loved one.

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