Daily Lovescopes

Love Horoscope – December 16, 2011

from – http://dailylovescopes.com

Aries: You are finding difficulty dealing with the current state of a rather personal relationship. The current planetary energy encourages a kind of ambivalence in your attitude. You know that you want to be with that special person, but at the same time don’t wish to lose your freedom to do as you please. Weigh the pros and cons to help you decide which really means the most to you. One thing that you will benefit from is sharing your ideas and concerns with those closest to you. You understand what others are telling you, and you make yourself clearly understood also. Now is the time to your message across to someone special. Tell them how you really feel and you might get a return response that’s far more favorable than you anticipated.

Taurus: There is a need for change, a desire to break with old patterns from the past. Like so many today you are in a state of conflict concerning your relationship. There is a longing for something new and different in your romantic relationships. You want to end it but you can’t bring yourself to do it. On the one hand, freedom is calling, and you long to be able to do what you want when you like. On the other hand, you have shared so many good times together, and with a bit of work on the partnership, this could continue. Don’t rush a decision; just listen to your heart. You can pull emotional sustenance and a sense of security from ideals, friends, and social involvement at this time.

Gemini: Right now you have an instinctive need to be powerful and in control. There is the need to be the one pulling the strings and calling the shots. Although it is great to get on well with your loved one, a degree of conflict has the effect of spicing things up, and can also be very creative. Sexual needs are just one of the life issues emphasized for you at this time. The current position of the planets offers an opportunity to disagree in such a way that you both benefit from the exchange. For you this energy of confliction flowing through the zodiac can be turned positive. Just make sure you don’t take your control issues so far that your partner feels smothered. You could find that not only is the air cleared, but quite a few obstacles as well.

Cancer: Lighthearted fun is the order of the day at the moment. Spend some extra time in the company of your friends and family, but keep it light. A family gathering, or possibly a fun filled night with your friends or mate will elevate your spirits tremendously. It might be here that you can take advantage of the current planetary alignment and get to know that special person just a little better. But you will need to be more adventurous than you have been in the past. Firstly, there is no point in beating yourself up about all the times you could have made a move and didn’t. Secondly, you need to have more confidence in your own abilities and faith in your charms. Avoid addressing serious issues today, leave it for another day.

Leo: You need to shift your perspective. Your intuition is what the energy is about for you today. There may be a tendency to focus on all the reasons why a certain relationship is not working, rather than considering all the possibilities if you both made it work. The current planetary energy encourages a little creative conflict, but it will not help if you are determined to concentrate on the details rather than the bigger picture. Let your sweetie in on how you feel rather than to assume they already know, because honestly, they have no idea! And if you’ve been keeping your eye on someone that you’d like to have in your life, it might not be so bad to take a risk and let them know, but do follow your intuition.

Virgo: You are also held back by thoughts of fear and failure, and feel like retreating further into your shell. But really Virgo, now is the time to be bold. It is better to be courageous and rebuffed, than never to have tried at all. The current planetary alignment encourages you to break out of a rut that may have stopped you from expressing just how you feel. In doing so you can see connections and possibilities you may have overlooked before. Now is a time for communicating your enthusiasm, sharing your plans and dreams and also being more receptive to the thoughts and points of view of that special person in your life. As a result you will be more optimistic, hopeful, and forward looking at this time.

Libra: You know how it is when you are in the process of creating something, you begin to think that it has all gone terribly wrong but then something happens and it pulls together better than you could have originally imagined. Well today the energy surrounding you is just like that. The energy brings a certain sense of conflict to a specific relationship. But, just as you think it is about to fall apart, it suddenly and magically rights itself. A sense of emotional coolness or detachment in personal relationships is the energy you are entering. Your focus is more about ideas and goals rather than personal concerns. You would rather not deal with things and will have little tolerance for people who do not operate with you at this level during this time.


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Scorpio: A back and forth flow of communication between yourself and your romantic interest is likely today. The current planetary alignment encourages you to resolve certain relationship issues. But it also urges you to take steps to move ahead with the partnership in such a way that you feel as though you are moving into a new adventure. There is a certain balance that needs to be struck, and a certain kind of dance that you would both do well to learn. You may engage in interesting and informative discussions or flirt your time away in silliness. Play a game or share a fantasy, or do something you both might enjoy where verbal foreplay is brought out. Do not let the conflict in the energy of the day overwhelm you or your sweetheart.

Sagittarius: Your feelings, friends, and females especially figure prominently in your life now. You realize how much you appreciate and need their love and support, and you are particularly affectionate now. You will be faced with getting the balance right in a current close relationship. This may prove to be difficult today, but if you persevere you will succeed. The current planetary alignment means you may both have had certain responsibilities to attend to that have meant spending less time with each other. Make a date with yourselves tonight so that you can remind each other how much you really care, and truly appreciate each other. A few of you may also initiate a relationship in which you take care of, support, and admire someone you’ve been hoping to get closer to. If so, take your time, there is no need to rush this one.

Capricorn: You have a need to be the center of attention and it takes hold of your life now. It’s actually a craving to give and to be appreciated for your inner self more than your material side of life. This can be a creative and even romantic time in your life, one to look back on with pride and fondness. Your creativity might end up being stunted some as thoughts of doubt cross your mind. This means that you find yourself taking one step forward and two steps back regarding a certain romantic situation because you tend to mistrust yourself. You may have had one or two experiences in the past that are giving you second thoughts, but it is taking over more than is necessary. Rather than have this state of affairs continue, perhaps it is best to go ahead and make a bold decision. Enjoy those around you and the positive aspects of the day.

Aquarius: This is a good time to speak up and clear the air of any grievances you have been holding on to for some time in your personal relationships. You may feel like going either of two ways today. You can completely abandon yourself to the plans and goals that you and your beloved have decided to work on together, or you can start to pull it all apart through worrying and over-analyzing the details. Neither approach is very realistic or practical. If you are both going to make progress, you need to be adventurous in a circumspect way. By dealing with any issues you’ve been holding onto and allowing your partner to do the same leaves you the space to move forward and find some new understandings in area’s you may have thought were never going to change.

Pisces: The current planetary alignment gives you a chance to do something practical concerning a potential relationship. Whatever the scenario, it seems that fate intervenes to administer a sharp kick in a place that really gets you moving. If you want to date this person on a serious basis, then you will be motivated today to do something about this situation. And none too soon, it seems. A little extra romance and a healthy dose of intimate talk is exactly what you need at this time. A candle light dinner and a bottle of good wine is the ideal way to set the stage for some serious romance. Keep everyday problems out of the conversation. Flirting and visual teasing should really get things moving in the right direction.

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