Astro-Week Sonnyscopes are up ! January 18 – 24, 2016

love horoscopes

from – Kamloops Echo –

by Sonny ! – plz watch & share on your website or blog.. The Sunnyside on Youtube.. – !! click here !! – plz subscribe & click through the ads

Stargazer Horoscopes January 18 – 24, 2016 – Kamloops Echo

Dear Aries

The social bug is calling and you’d love to get out with some friends but where to go? You’re extra chatty this week and networking is high on the agenda. Get out and take in a workshop or class or maybe head to a trade show and see all of the new products and ideas. Exercise your mind and your heart will follow.

Dear Taurus

You’re about to go public in a big way so make sure you dress your best and you have your plan all set and ready to go. Love is attracting money in your astro-sector of shared resources so team up for best results. Although communication is still mixed, love can hear your call and is waiting for your next move.

Dear Gemini

Travel and higher learning are your big themes for the next month but love is still looking for you. Don’t be so wrapped up in the books that you miss a golden opportunity with someone special. Find a balance between work and play.

Dear Cancer

You’re currently more attractive than you realize but your vibe is sending mixed messages. You can’t change the past nor should you but as you move forward a new approach will lead you to a brighter day. Surprises at work could go either way.

Dear Leo

More bills arrive in the mail but luckily you have the money to cover the expenses. Love has been looking at you for a couple of weeks and you should have either met someone new or taken a current relationship to the next level. This week, your lover needs you and you’re going to go more than half way to help out.

Dear Virgo

Although you’re in a personal cycle of rebuilding your home base of safety and security, your heart is focused on shining in the world. This has you caught in a bit of a daydream with regards to your goals and personal identity. Get out and enjoy the week but make sure your home chores are taken care of first.

Dear Libra

Watch your dreams for answers to a current development in love. Sudden and unexpected developments are on the horizon in your personal relationships and this time you’ll want to be ready. Knee jerk reactions satisfy short term emotions but won’t take you as far as a well thought out plan for finding what truly makes you happy.

Dear Scorpio

You’re still super lucky in groups and social settings but the main focus is getting your house in order. A move to a new home or renovations will take up most of your time. Ask for help and love will respond.

Dear Sagittarius

Your career and public image are still front and centre. It may feel like things are settling into an administrative phase but big gains can still be made at work. Love takes an unexpected twist.

Dear Capricorn

You’re going to be fighting the group for a while so stick to your guns and do your best. If you feel that you’re right or you’ve been treated unfairly then that’s all you really need to stand your ground. On the plus side, you’re entering a new money cycle.

Dear Aquarius

You’re feeling frisky and charged for a romantic adventure. It’s your birthday so get out and have some fun. Love is waiting for you socially and through a friend so team up and keep your eyes open. Unexpected developments lead to romantic interludes.

Dearest Pisces

As much as you’d like to get out, this week home is where the heart is. You’re entering an introspective and low energy cycle where you just want to stay home and read a good book, or watch some youtube videos. Invite someone special over for an evening by the fireplace.

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